White Label Setup
To get started with a white-label BOI Report form, you'll need an account with ComplyBOI.
To register with ComplyBOI:
Navigate to https://app.complyboi.com/users/sign_up?firm=1
Fill out the Signup Form
Ensure you select Account Type -> Business / White Label (CPAs + Law Firms)
Click Signup
Connect Stripe Account
To get paid when your clients submit BOI Reports, you must connect your Stripe account.
To connect your Stripe account:
From the dashboard, click the Connect to Stripe button. This will redirect you to Stripe.
On the Stripe page, select which Stripe account you would like to connect. Click Connect.
Customize Brand
Every aspect of your BOI form can be customized to match your brand.
Update the following to customize your brand:
Avatar - This is a square image of your company's logo.
Brand Logo - A rectangle image of your company's logo.
Brand Icon - A square image of your company's logo to be used as the favicon.
Price per BOI Report (USD) - The amount in USD to charge for your white label BOI submissions. (ex: 50.00, 300.00)
Brand Instructions - The instructions to be placed at the top of your form.
Brand Footer - Text for the footer of your form (e.g. © 2024 Acme CPAs, LLC.)
Support Email - The email address ComplyBOI will use to send notification emails to your clients. (e.g. support@acmecpas.com)
CPA Firm Physical Address - Your business mailing address. This is required by law and shows up on all emails sent.
Injectable Javascript (optional) - HTML code for tracking snippets.
Sample Instructions
Connect Website Domain
The last step before your form is live is to connect your domain.
To connect your domain:
Decide which subdomain you will use for your form. We recommend "boi", so that your url will look like https://boi.acmecpas.com, but you can select any subdomain you want that you own and is not already used.
Create a CNAME record with name "boi" and the value "white-label.complyboi.com".
Email support@complyboi.com the following URL of your CNAME (ex: boi.acmecpas.com). On the backend, we have to configure a few items.
If you use Cloudflare as your DNS, ensure the Proxy switch is off.
Verify Email
To send emails to your clients on your behalf, you must authorize ComplyBOI to send emails from your configured Brand Support Email.
To authorize:
You will receive a verification email to Brand Support Email from Postmark.
Click the verification link in the email.
Share Form
Your white-label form is now ready! You can find your white-label URL in your dashboard.
Last updated